Class details

Primary School Classes: Years 1-3 (6 - 9yrs)

Thursday 3:15pm - 4:15pm

Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

Jolimont - Jolimont Primary School,
Main School Oval,

657 Hay St, 6014,
  view map

Venue Notes
Please can you ensure your child brings a HAT and a Water bottle to all classes.
If we are unable to run the classes on the school oval due to the weather, we will move these to the school undercover area

These 60-minute classes introduce your children to a range of sports throughout the term. We develop the technical aspects of the sports and add some complexity to the games, whilst continuing to have the unique Jungle Sports structure and energy.

🏀🎾⚽🏏 From catching, throwing, kicking, and hitting, to dynamic movement activities, our program offers an action-packed sports journey that your child will absolutely love. Every session will finish with a game of that week’s sport.

👦👧 Specifically designed for Years 1-3 we ensure age-appropriate engagement and skill development in a fun and enthusiastic environment.



This price covers the 1 sessions remaining in this term.

Thursday 3:15pm - 4:15pm

1 sessions Thu 19 Sep 24